The Drawing to Scale lesson plan is designed to introduce learners to how archaeologists record what they uncover during excavation by drawing features and soil layers to scale and why this accuracy is important for archaeology.
Grade Level: 6-8
Objective: The goal of this lesson is to have youth learn to draw to scale and why it is important for archaeology and, more broadly, for STEM research.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to complete a drawing to scale similar to what archaeologists do, and explain why it is important to draw to scale.
STEM: Math
Materials: A drawing of an excavation unit wall profile and/or a cultural feature plan (e.g., a storage pit, post mold, or hearth) on a whiteboard or on paper, pencils, rulers, tape measures, graph paper
Time: 60 minutes
Overview: When archaeologists excavate, they destroy the site by removing artifacts and features from their original context. Therefore, it is important that they record as much as possible during excavation. In addition to taking photos of wall profiles, in situ artifacts, or features, archaeologists also make detailed and accurate drawings in the field to record information that cannot or may not be captured with only a photograph. Each drawing has the site name, provenience information (unit, depth), a description of what is being drawn (wall profile, feature plan), the person or people who worked on the drawing, the date the drawing was made, a scale, and a north arrow. Provide learners with examples from the field and computer drawn versions (see below for examples).
A scale drawing is an accurate representation of a real place or object. Everything represented in the drawing is at the same proportion relative to the real thing. For example, we can use a scale of 1 inch representing 20 centimeters if we are drawing a 1 x 1 m excavation unit.
Vocabulary: scale, profile, plan, context, in situ, artifacts, features
Procedure: Learners will have access to either: 1) mural of a 1 x 1 m unit wall profile with strata changes and features either on paper or a chalkboard/whiteboard (an example can be found at, or 2) a 1 x 1 m unit plan with “features” (e.g., storage pit, hearth, cistern, privy) placed on the floor (the unit can be taped out with painter’s tape and the features can be paper cut outs). Learners will take a sheet of graph paper, create a scale that will allow the drawing to fit on a single sheet of graph paper, and make a scale drawing. One person will measure points with the tape measures and the other will plot the points on the graph paper; they will switch roles during the process (e.g., each measures a separate stratum or feature). Paint swatches in light and dark browns can be attached to each horizon or to features. Learners can match these to a Munsell Soil Color chart: (
Extension: Archaeological sites are often divided into 1 x 1 m (3.3 x 3.3 ft) units to record where artifacts are found on a site. The units are laid out using an X-Y coordinate system and mapped (usually with surveying equipment) to create a site map. Show learners pictures of archaeologists excavating an archaeological site with units being excavated across the site. Then show them a map that was made of the site that shows each unit. Draw 1 x 1 m units across the room (in chalk or with tape). Have learners make a scale drawing of the units on the “site.”
Assessment Activities: At the end of the lesson, youth will present their scale drawings. They will discuss what scale they chose and why.
Wrap up: Class will end with a restatement of the learning outcomes. Ask youth why drawing to scale is important for STEM disciplines and how it is done.
Crosscutting Concepts: Patterns, graphs, charts, and images can be used to identify patterns in data.
NYS Standards: NY-7.G Geometry Draw, construct, and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between them.
NY-7.G.1 – Solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures, including computing actual lengths and areas from a scale drawing and reproducing a scale drawing at a different scale.
![Unit Profile](
![Feature Plan view](